jueves, 19 de diciembre de 2013

Ecotourism in the Amazon

The department of Amazonas is the southernmost region of Colombia , located in the left margin and the longest river in the world that bears the same name.

Amazon is also the largest and most biodiverse rainforest of Earth, also known as the lungs of the world, ecological reserve immeasurable proportions belonging to several South American countries . It is estimated that this vast region covers six million square kilometers of continental area .

By coasts on two oceans and possession of banks in the majestic Amazon River, is that Colombia is called the land of the three seas , as few nations in the world can boast of having in its territory with many and uncontrollable outbreaks water and ecological reserves arising from these .

Traveling in the Colombian Amazon

The expedition to the Colombian Amazon is one of the most fascinating between the flora and fauna in its wild ecotourism adventures.
The expedition to the Colombian Amazon is one of the most fascinating between the flora and fauna in its wild ecotourism adventures. It is likewise an excellent cultural experience for its ability to assist the territories in which a score of primitive ethnic groups is based, like the invaluable natural treasure guarding , which highlights Huitotos , the palm fronds and Ticunas .

Leticia , the capital of the department of Amazonas

To explore the jungle , cross the river and visit all the attractions in the area , take a plane from Bogota to Leticia , capital of the department in border with Brazil and Peru . Leticia borders the Brazilian town of Tabatinga and yet , its location in the far south of Colombia and far from major cities , is a dynamic commercial epicenter between the two nations .

Leticia is the capital of the department of Amazonas
Around the city , shopping, share with the community and across the border for Tabatinga is one of the first activities in the Amazon before boarding a boat and start the real jungle expedition through the Amazon River respectable . On this trip indigenous families , huge trees , muticolor birds , reptiles and , if you have luck, pink dolphins, which live only in fresh water are known.

Amacayacu National Park

After two hours along the river , stately reserve of 294 hectares in which live 150 species of mammals, 468 of birds and other reptiles undetermined quantity is reached Amacayacu National Park. Also, on the calm waters surrounding the park, lilies , aquatic plant whose leaves reach round two meters diameter to be seen .

In Amacayacu National Park, stately reserve of 294 hectares , live 150 species of mammals, 468 of birds and a lot of reptiles.
Because the park has accommodation infrastructure , you might recognize the place and attractants near Durantes two or more days . Walking through the jungle on the trail Nainekumaw , night boating by the Matamata stream, tree climbing and trekking among canopies , visiting Indian tribes or a trip on the houseboat are some of the many things to do in this protected area.

Puerto Nariño

Waterway and about twenty minutes from the Park reaches Amacayacú Puerto Nariño , who along with Leticia are the only two municipalities in the department of Amazonas . This population is characterized by the organization , cleanliness and freedom from contamination , among other things, because despite having paved streets there are no cars. You need to look in Puerto Nariño the viewpoint that provides a 360 degree view of the Amazon rainforest.

Lake Tarapoto

By the same means the people and checking the Loretoyacu River, a tributary of the Amazon, Tarapoto lakes , dazzling for its cleanliness, calm waters because inhabiting the spectacular pink dolphins, a species whose origin natives appear to attribute a legend, according to which the tribal gods felt so much envy for the stunning beauty of an Indian who decided to turn it into dolphin. With patience and calm that offers the idyllic setting , it is possible to appreciate the magical dance on the water this low , rare and beautiful species .

Monkey Island

During the trip down the Amazon is passed through the Monkey Island , occupied by playful monkeys friar, who despite being elusive to human presence are generous to let appreciate with relative ease. Before coming to this island , located off of the Santa Sofia, several nature reserves are populated by natives and Zacambu Marasha , located in the Peruvian Amazon shore .

canopy Tanimboca

Returning to Leticia , we must seize the nearby canopy Tanimboca to experience the thrills of adventure sports in the dense jungle. Canopy practiced there by the top of the trees , kayaking and hiking. All plan to admire and again and again the biodiversity of the Amazon region. Al canopy land eight miles north of Leticia , toward the village of Tarapaca is reached .

The indigenous ethnic groups of the Colombian Amazon

Before dismissing this exotic region worth visiting some communities which allow the traveler to know your dances , crafts and all the usual ways. The huitoto ethnicity is one of them . Undoubtedly, the mysticism of this ancient family leave teaching a respect for nature and our elder brothers . There, in the Amazonas department representing the tenth part of the country , fortunately for the country and around the human, plant and animal life , it is all the infinite sense of the wild and elemental state.

Source and more information:http://www.colombia.travel/es/turista-internacional/actividad/atracciones-turisticas-recomendadas-informes-especiales/turismo-ecologico-en-el-amazonas

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